How I let myself down yet again – and how I plan on fixing it
Hey amazing people!
This is the first of many future posts, where I share my journey with you. I have decided that it’s time to help myself get back in shape physically and mentally. On the road I will be documenting the journey on my blog and on YouTube. My wish is to inspire others to take action and live a more meaningful life.
You see… Life is tough, hard and full of horrible things that keeps coming. If it’s not today, it might be tomorrow. You never know when the next hurdle is going to come your way. How do you plan on handling your future problem? Maybe you don’t have a plan at all?
Taking care of yourself, prioritizing YOU is the key to building the foundation to overcome tough obstacles in your life.
Now back to me!
When everything changed
After being at the peak of my physical ability last year I’ve had a tough 10 month period with injury and issues really hurting my urge to workout and eating healthy. As soon as the time where right, I went straight back to my old habits. Even tho I had been working out consistently the last 1,5 years and seen great results – it still was not enough to keep me from overeating
I finished my ultra race (backyard ultra) last spring. Pushed myself to the limit and reaching a distance over 48km. After the race I was ecstatic with joy, finishing a race that I never thought where possible a couple of years ago.
The injuries
The day after backyard ultra, my ankle really hurt. It hurt so bad that I couldn’t walk properly. A couple of days later it started to heal, but I could feel that something where wrong.
The healing process took so much longer than I expected. I thought it would be a couple of weeks and then back running again, but I overestimated my body’s recovery requirements.
One week after the ankle issues I started my first run, tried to do a 5km – after 4km I had to limp the last part of the run because I felt a sudden pain.
First after 3 month’s the problems started to become better when it came to running.
Starting to feel better in the foot, I had high hopes to start running again – but I was not able to predict the next problem that I got served.
Covid 19
February 2024 I had covid, this was the most annoying covid ever – I never went down lying in bed feeling and having issues breathing, but my energy levels where so low I diddn’t have the energy to do the smallest of things. I also felt very dizzy and just where totally “out” of it.
After two weeks, things became better – but I still felt light headed and dizzy.
This continued for another two weeks, and after 4 weeks of not being well I went to the doctor to take tests to find out if I where lacking vitamins or other essentials that they could read from taking a blood work.
Fast forward 6 month’s and I still feel light headed and dizzy, that’s probably related to long-covid issues. I am going to take a MRI scan of my head, before I get sent to yet another doctor that hopefully can tell me what’s going on.
Where do I go from here
I’d never thought that I would go from being in such good shape, to being where I am right now. It’s 12kg up, and I am not feeling great. The problem started for real with the dizzyness. It took away my endorfins that where floating around after my workouts. After my workouts I felt more dizzy and because of that I started to dislike the workouts.
Not only did I stop doing to workouts, I went straight back to the old overeating habit that I thought where gone for good.
Appreciate that I am starting now
I have to focus on what’s ahead, realizing that I have to make changes to become better at living life, right now I am stuck and it’s not acceptable.
How I will use the Camp Nansen app
I will use the app that I made last year to start working on getting my Greenday’s. Gathering up the important metrics:
- Sleep
- Food
- Activity
By adding all those into the app, I will get a good view on how I am doing and it should be easy to see if I am having good progress or not.
I will posting a lot of content with the app in the future.
Don’t overthink it
Just do it and you will learn while you move. The biggest problem is not starting.
That’s why I decided to start now!
I will be back soon, and until then – keep trying!